LISTen: Data Insights2021-02-23T17:12:22+00:00

LISTen: Data Insights

We love data and marketing, ideas, and solutions. We hope you’ll spend a little time reading about them on our blog!

LISTen: Data Insights

We love data and marketing, ideas, and solutions. We hope you’ll spend a little time reading about them on our blog!

Data is a small word filled with big ideas. Today, in a digitally connected world, having the right data matters more than ever. Maribeth loves sharing the latest ideas, insights, trends, and solutions through thought-provoking blog articles.

Our goal is to help you make smarter decisions based on better information, whether it comes from our work, our articles, or the ideas of people we respect.

Matchback Analysis Eliminates Guessing

There’s a lot of buzz about reporting going around because marketing teams need to measure the value of their campaigns. But which metrics matter? Is reporting impressions, click-through-rates, or likes enough? When budgets are tight, isn’t it more important to confidently tie a desired action to a specific email campaign, social ad or a direct mail piece? Sure, you could simply attribute all the actions your prospects took to your [...]

By |December 15, 2023|Categories: Data Modeling|Tags: , |

Thankful, Grateful and Blessed

November is a time to pause and reflect. Whether it’s for Thanksgiving or in preparation for the end of the year, these shorter days help us dig a little deeper. This year is no different., but this year is different. So many elements of life appear to be at a crossroads. From the economy to politics, everything seems to be at a tipping point. Even X, formerly known as Twitter, [...]

By |November 20, 2023|Categories: Sabal Group|Tags: , |

Grow Old with Me: Longevity and Senior Living

Surveys tell us 87% of Americans want to live healthier and longer lives. And 53% want to live to be 100 years of age. Driven by Millennials facing down their 40s and Boomers who’ve always believed they’re not going to grow up or grow old (depending on the tune of choice), the science of longevity has become a booming business for consumers who want more from and simply more life [...]

By |November 9, 2023|Categories: Senior Living|Tags: , |

Maid, Mother & Crone: In Celebration of Women

I love October. There’s a rush to order PSL and anticipation of yummy pumpkin pie. In the South, “It’s Fall, y’all” signs are everywhere. Overnight, lawns and front porches are dressed with seasonal and spooky decor. October is just the start of seasonal celebrations, with turkeys and festive trees soon to follow. We’re peppered with reminders for thankful reflection and joyful memory making. And, as much as I enjoy all [...]

By |October 31, 2023|Categories: Senior Living|Tags: , |

The Power of Data is in the Results

Data. It’s a simple word but a complex subject. If you meet me and ask what I do, I would tell you I leverage the power of data to help my clients succeed. It’s a good sound bite and true, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Since it’s one of my favorite subjects (second only to my family), I’d love to explain what data is and how it [...]

By |October 12, 2023|Categories: Data Modeling|Tags: , |

A MicroModeling Report is a Game Changer

Are you looking for the secret to convincing Baby Boomers to join your senior living community? The hotly anticipated “silver tsunami” of Boomers hasn’t quite begun even as the oldest of them reach their late 70s. But in order to sell them on senior living, your marketing strategy needs to adapt to their paradigm, not that of their parents. A customized MicroModeling® Report from Sabal Group can make the difference [...]

By |September 28, 2023|Categories: MicroModel|Tags: , |

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